Monday, February 17, 2020

A Poem for my Soulmate,

Ethereal sanctity holds the space in time, your arms protect with hallowed reverence, a
soul frozen in fearful arrest of breath.. dark soul...sad soul...your soul... our eternal
conception….two hearts...two souls...immortal love, in unspoken divine collision fuse to just
one …
Before the demons within us hiding... unholy, bloodthirsty, reapers of the underworld born
from fear, relentless unworthy thieves …
Mortal time rings the bells, concrete angels, separate across silent oceans of pain, tell the
tale of torn exsistence- once sacred,one exsistence...ashes scattered into the pages of cold
damnations, indifference… hells bitter aftertaste...fill the lines..
In that holy,sacred space...fractals of broken humanity joined and forever altered reality.
What cannot be fathomed in this space of time we call life… in what other souls cannot
The event of us cannot be undone… One cannot forget its is an eternal state
of being….not a memory…
For, are me...from that moment in time...where there was blue….where there was
red...combined- a surrender -a death, a metamorphosis, Gods hand formed in divine
mysterious beauty a hue a violet sunrise, purple passion flowers, healing lavender. No
separation even exists....or ever every lifetime we are that living, violet, sacred,
eternal, beautiful event of life…
Did the Holy Trinity come to my love.. Eternal are these fundamentals of soul,of
love,of life...Forget me not...every breath in every lifetime will be exhaled,or wept, or sung
from the lungs of you and me...a soul cannot forget to breathe.

Intimate Faith and Complete Insanity

I reached a point where inside my soul began a dance of spiritual growth, madness,grief,loneliness and unknowns... Where my mind,body,and soul and heart became engaged in a terrifying and intimate relationship with my humanity and divinity, in a space where I lacked any knowledge of my experience and held only fears and shame. Time was an endless cycle of  terror and a learning of what it meant to rely completely on God in an intimate faith. When I became willing to accept that the devine shades of the human condition cannot always be understood from a position of logic. That acceptance helped me to accept and see more clearly Gods purpose for me.

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