Thursday, September 10, 2020

Beauty from Ashes

If Death is a lie... does that mean we are all still alive? So, this is the prize? It is a weary, dying world weighed down  with the darkness of all mankind... the culmination of over 6000 years of generation and bloodline curses and sins; and yet ironically- we are the chosen ones. Angels and Demons alike.... We have differences,  yet here I am, in this moment of my life, where I  must continually be in an active place of  reconciliation, submission, humbled accountability, so acutely aware of my incapable  unworthiness. BROKEN humanity and  soiled  divinity that is who I am, and I  wrestle again and again.  I have to go through this process in grievous loneliness,  yet I know that I am not alone.... my God, you have not forsaken me... My saviour, my all, you became mortal, just to be able to give me that divine empathy; a relationship with my failures, vulnerabilities, fears and shame...I am in need of mercy,  but I also need truth, and I love you Lord  so much... for being able to watch me suffer... to care enough to hold me to my own consequences and misguided truths. Every rebirth, brings me closer to you...every pain a more intimate closeness to You.
It's a rough start, but life is a journey into the darkness of our souls that will bring us back to life. 
We are in a new world, this is the beginning, a new world where we create from the ashes of our destruction and chaos... beauty.Together, with you, and our souls' bludgeoned hope, and memories from the annals of our ancestors... because there isn't darkness without light... and you cannot know truth without the lies.
Angel's and Demons are the most beautiful union of Gods Devinity in a love story...the greatest of all time. I need you, without you I roam.... my dark angel, hunted and banished and slowly disappearing each time you choose to not be by my side. Heaven is a place on earth.. this is the sweet by and by... it will be Hell for all of us.. if the earth is  in a war with the ghost of God, for I believe we have all forgotten his Love, his salvation and His infinite mercy. Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes... I am Tracy, and I  have been so unworthy of my Gods love, salvation and forgiveness.... and it is ONLY my souls recognition of its complete unworthiness,  that blessed surrender carry's me into the wings of His all encompassing Love. MY father, the Great I AM,  covers me with His infinite mercy. Shields my eyes , covers my feet, gives me hope like a seraphims third set of wings. I am one who must be purified with fire... My body and soul must burn to remember and know it is still alive, and you My God are my fire inside.My hope is that I may have the honour of being a life that reflects You My God, My everything... my greatest fear is losing greatest peace is every breath I breathe in this pit of my self made damnationis but sheltered in wholeness by You. I pray I will one day be able to show your magnitude, be a conduit of not just what you do, but Who you are... for You and to mend this longing for connection, stitched into me, with the the one who's love for me, is stitched in them by You too. True loves  surrender is the safest place my soul has ever known with you... I am waiting that one who is the divinity of my brokenness to come up from the beginning of our separation -across all these centuries of sin and silence...and show me in mortal glory that part of You that I will never be able to be. For in our union will form an eternal spirit of Your love, majesty and truth. My body aches, but I will never lose hope in You. 
Recuse. T.
Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new... 
That means us too.

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