Monday, February 8, 2021

A Warriors Mercy

In  the womb of grief, pain and poverty
grow the seeds of shame and hypocrisy
The soil of neglect and need…
A warrior is birthed, a calling from Destiny.
I've  felt the separation and darkness, suffocate my innocence, I've been fed by the demons of every abhorrence. My eyes still scream for blindness, my heart dies in both terror and numbness.…
Till only surrender or insanity can bring me refuge or fortress.
Until you my Love, my heart,  my breath-
My muse and madness… I've found meaning, faith, hope and purpose.
The battles I've lost, and the hearts I've bled.… the unpardonable whispers I set free to the wind…. I lost my life but still been breathing, I'm being robbed as I write of my own hearts beatings.…  body entangled and raped by the queen of damnations, Indifference begs me to surrender, give in
A warriors  mercy though isnt always peace, or victory…. It is often found in the bitter last breaths of a hearts sacrifice, or in the clutching for breath as your lungs seize paralyzed. The imploding or exploding of your very soul…. In the hands of destiny and Love…. Mercy is sometimes the deadliest weapon of them all.
I wait for the day we are one, when the union of our shards of humanity and Devine collide into Gods perfect timing…
I cling to my dreams, and search the stars…. Hold to the fairytales in my heart. In every place lay the sacred secrets that will bring me to you.… and even if we never meet, Your essence still has shaped me… your voice still has protected me, your heart has beat for me, your soul still saw mine… together we fought some battles side by side and were held in surrender of our minds….
I love you recuse. I'm scared - me too.
Breathe….my love… I was there too.

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