Monday, February 21, 2022


A moment is all you need to inspire a smile from a weary soul.
Here’s to every moment and being fully surrendered to it,fully alive in it, fully immersed in the miracle that moment is.

Here’s to mercy for those moments you’re all in, fully alive,and immersed in the miracle and you have never been more acutely aware of your brokenness

Here’s to the moments like frozen agony and interminable in length You’re not sure there is an end and if there is, your positive you will never recover from enduring the moment, you are now good and dead. Please hurry with your casket

Here’s to the moment that is eternal and timeless.

When Two people connect on another level of knowing, beyond what we know of our breath and mind and words and talk. A space and time is something you speak about having been with someone, rather a place you share more figuratively. Those moments can define relationships, lifetimes,legacies…

Right now, I’m living my life, hoping my dreams and sanity stay with me… moment to moment.

Trusting God and Destiny that I was not brought all this way to fall apart here… there is strength in my mind and body yet . I am just so tired and must stay focused on just this moment.

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