Saturday, July 15, 2023

Dont know, letting go of fear for trust

All of me is battling in a war to regain an inner focus, staying calm so I can be guided by the Holy Spirit...learning where I need to strengthen and grow. I am feeling the changes within me like a light is banishing the shadows of  myself which prefer to stay undisturbed by the truth and light. Becoming aware of them, but not being discouraged can be a heavy amount of effort when I so deeply carry a dark self-loathing. I press forward , even not knowing where this path I am on might lead...I know it will all be well with me. Each time discouraged, I force myself to find gratitude for the beauty of the moment Im in. Moment collectively make my personality and influence matters of the soul. Nothing matters more to me, then the health and peace in my soul. When I lose that, I quickly lose everything. I thank God daily for every moment of the day , I feel the Holy Spirit guiding me and showing me things. It is manifesting in my mindset and physical health already. The only thing in me , the divine eternal oart of me is my soul. Everything temporal is nothing, when you are free from the prison of mortality...and all that you see in front of you is eternity. 

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