Friday, April 21, 2023

The beauty of First Light

The beauty of first light

How long have I been here
Hidden, suffocating, isolated,ahedonia possessing every part of me.
Time only matters when you count the ticks of destiny echoing behind you, like it's the only sound in vast empty space filled with all your vanished dreams.
It didn't happen all at once...just a thought that slipped quickly enough through my mind
I barely caught it'd stream,
But it made me smile inside, so was a passing flicker of light inside of my hollow being.
It happened again, and it's pleasure and warmth scared me...
Dare I trust this this me awakening... has my soul begun to breathe.
Holy hands and heavens mercy...have you come to my pleas,
I whisper intimate words, to the stars and they stir a hope in me...
Hold it and it then is real, 
Don't let the darkness fool you
You're infinite existence cannot be extinguished by even the most heinous mortal travesty. 
I'm bleeding hope from within the deepest part of me
I'm breathing life and it tastes like joy...
And I feel love touching me...
Like dawns first quiet light, it
Slowly swallowed the death and illness infecting me...
It feels like being born in slow motion and I

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